My apologies for using this platform for some cross-promotion – I try not to make every project of mine a part of this newsletter. But there are a bunch of texts and projects I have recently started that I think might genuinely be of interest to readers of Dreams in the Which House:
1. Most importantly, my new podcast is dropping this week. In Bed With The Right, co-hosted by Moira Donegan and myself, looks at conservative/right-wing ideas about gender and sexuality and tries to figure out why they’re still a thing. It’s the kind of podcast that moves from the thought of Joseph de Maistre to the TERFy energy of some French feminism – which is to say, it won’t be everyone’s cup of tea, but if you read my stuff regularly, you might enjoy it. Our first two episodes are available now: one a loooong review of the debates about gay marriage, the other an conversation with Matt Sitman and Sam Adler-Bell, co-hosts of Know Your Enemy, about Midge Decter. The next few episodes will deal with: right-wing Freudianism (with Abby Kluchin and Patrick Blanchfield of Ordinary Unhappiness), Susan Sontag (with Merve Emre), right-wing gays, the origins of “gender critical” feminism (with Susan Stryker)! Thus far you can find In Bed With The Right here and here, but it’ll show up on your preferred podcasting platform sometime this week.
2. For my German readers: I have begun writing a column for WOZ: Die Wochenzeitung in Zürich. You can find my texts every Friday here. I also have a longer text coming out – a summertime reflection on swimming pools in the US at the intersection of race and the anthropocene. Will send that out once it is published, but it’ll be print-only at first.
3. Finally, in some academic news, this article was supposed to be open access, but somehow kept hiding behind a paywall: it’s about Helene von Druskowitz, a pretty amazing lesbian Austrian philosopher at the turn of the century, in dialogue with Friedrich Nietzsche, Eugen Dühring, and – I argue in this essay – Hegelianism. I had a lot of fun working on the piece, the special issue of the Hegel Bulletin is pretty great. So feel free to check it out here.
4. I also wonder whether I should send out a newsletter with reading recommendations occasionally. I’ve been reading some amazing texts for the podcast, for class prep and just for fun this summer – I’d be thrilled to share some of that, if folks are interested.
5. Finally, I’ve got a bunch of Substack posts coming up – a second part of my series on European discourses about “Identity Politics”, a second part of my series on German expertise about the US, a piece about German reactions to the US SCOTUS’ dismantling of affirmative action … and a first piece connected to my new book on car culture!
Thanks so much for reading the newsletter!
Just listened to the gay marriage episode and loved it! Really looking forward to this whole series. (And I literally squeed when I saw The Feminist Present back in my feed last week!)
Thanks a lot for the news:)